Two Questions to Ask Before Hiring a Lawyer


Getting a good lawyer requires you to do a lot of research. More specifically, you should be looking at the personality of the attorney and work ethics apart from the usual considerations such as qualifications, membership to professional organizations, and fees charged. Below are some questions you should ask a lawyer that has expressed interest in taking over your accident case.


i)             How much participation will be expected on my part?


Find out from the attorney from what he or she will expect you to do when working on your case. Some attorneys may want you to gather evidence regarding the accident on your own while others will do every task for you. Attorneys that will do every task for you may charge higher than those who would prefer you do the legwork.


Weight your options when interviewing the attorney. There are some pieces of information that may be easy to get, for example copies of your insurance policy and medical report. However, other information may require someone who knows the ins-and-outs of the court to gather, for example police reports. Read news concerning these lawyers here at


Think carefully on the option that the attorney offers you. Generally, it would be better if the attorney handled the legwork since he or she knows bets what information is helpful or will be required.


ii)            How will communication about the case be done?


Find out how the attorney will keep you informed about the case. During the initial stages of the negotiations, you may not need to attend the sessions with the attorney. However, it is important that the attorney keeps you abreast on the decisions reached or discussions held.


Some attorneys will call you over the phone to inform you of the negotiations while others may want to meet you face to face. If you have a particular means of communication you prefer, find out whether the attorney can use it. Click here to hire the best lawyers online.


Generally, the attorney will know the best settlement that your case can win in court. Hence, he or she may not tell you of every detail of the discussions held with the attorneys of the insurance company. However, if anything significant is discussed or proposed, the attorney will inform and advise you on the way forward. You can take the attorney's advice or choose to do things you own way; you are the boss.


The above are two important questions you should ask a potential attorney before hiring him/her. Make sure the attorney provides satisfactory answers to the questions that will help you make the hiring decision.